National Family Mediation

What is mediation, and is it for me?

If you are going through a divorce or separation, mediation will help you settle all areas that need to be considered, including future parenting arrangements and how to divide your property and finances. Even if you have been separated for some time, mediation can help you resolve ongoing issues about child arrangements or finances.

By working with a mediator, you will save time and money compared with going through court.

Mediation gives you control over your decisions by ensuring you’re fully informed of your options. It reduces the risk of the court making decisions for you. Most people feel the process is less stressful, leading to a more amicable solution.

Before starting mediation we will offer you a Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (MIAM). This is a meeting with a mediator to discuss the issues that need to be resolved, the options available to help you resolve them and to assess if your case is likely to be suitable for mediation. Most people are more comfortable with an individual meeting at this stage, but you can also attend together with the other person if you prefer.

If your case has to go to court at any stage, the court will expect you to have attended a MIAM before proceeding any further.

We will tailor the mediation process to meet your individual needs. Please complete our online referral to get started.